Understanding the Legal Costs of Divorce in South Africa

A common question among couples considering divorce in South Africa is "How much will the divorce cost?". The answer varies widely, depending on several factors including the complexity of the case and whether it is contested or uncontested. This article delves into the factors influencing the cost of divorce and provides an overview of the potential expenses involved in the South African context.

Factors Influencing the Cost of Divorce

  1. Type of Divorce: Uncontested divorces, where both parties agree on all terms, are generally less expensive than contested divorces, which involve disputes that require resolution by the court.

  2. Complexity of the Case: The more complex the case (involving issues like child custody, maintenance and division of assets), the higher the legal fees.

  3. Attorney Fees: Attorney fees vary significantly and are a major component of divorce costs. Some attorneys charge a flat rate for uncontested divorces, while others charge an hourly rate.

  4. Court Costs: These are the fees for filing documents and other administrative costs associated with the legal process.

  5. Additional Experts: In some cases, additional experts such as child care evaluators, financial advisors or psychologists may be needed, adding to the cost.

Keeping Costs Down

To minimize divorce costs:

  • Negotiate and Mediate: Coming to an agreement outside of court can significantly reduce costs.

  • Choose the Right Attorney: Consider attorneys who specialize in family law and understand cost-effective strategies.

  • Be Prepared: Being organized and having all necessary documentation ready can reduce the time your attorney spends on your case.


The cost of a divorce in South Africa can vary significantly based on the complexity of the case and whether it is contested. Understanding the factors that influence these costs and taking steps to minimize them can help manage the financial impact of divorce. Seeking the right legal advice and considering alternative dispute resolution methods can also contribute to a more cost-effective divorce process.

Barter McKellar’s divorce attorneys have extensive experiencing on advising on all aspects of divorce matters. If you would like to find out more, contact our offices today to schedule a consultation with one of our specialist divorce law lawyers.


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